Dating a narcissist. All you need to know

Written by Rosie Brooks Advice

dating a narcissist

When we are in a relationship, it is normal that we want to give the best of ourselves. However, on some occasions we can find people who only seek to take advantage. Then you know you are dating a narcissist.

In this article we are going to talk about what it is like for a normal guy to date a narcissistic girl and all the dangers that exist in this kind of relationship.

We are also going to explain how to deal with a narcissistic person.

What is narcissistic personality disorder?

To talk about what dating a narcissistic woman is like, we must first define what narcissistic personality disorder is. This disorder is characterized by an excessive need for admiration, as well as an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

The narcissistic person believes that he is better than others and only associates with those people who he thinks will make him seem superior. That means that a narcissistic woman will always consider her partner inferior.

On the other hand, it is very difficult for them to deal with failures and criticism, as they feel very threatened by these situations.

What is the pattern of a narcissistic relationship pattern and what are the signs that give it away?

Now that we know what narcissistic personality disorder is, we can start talking about what the signs of a female narcissist in relationships are and discover a pattern.

These people are experts in manipulating and cheating on their partner, so we must be very attentive to detect these signs.

Next, we describe the ten most common ones.

1. She always has to be in control

A narcissistic woman always has to be in control of everything. In a relationship, this means that she will be the one who decides how and when to do things. She doesn’t like her partner having his own opinions, much less imposing them.

2. She constantly criticizes her partner

A narcissistic woman will always be criticizing her partner. Nothing he does will be good enough for her. She will always look for a reason to find fault in him and thus be able to feel superior to him.

jealous narcissist

3. She is very jealous

Being jealous is another of the narcissistic symptoms. These people always need to feel they are the centre of attention and if they see that their partner is paying more attention to another person, they will get angry so that he is focused on them again.

4. Has an inordinately positive opinion of herself

The narcissistic person has a very high opinion of herself. She loves herself. She thinks she’s better than everyone else, and therefore she thinks she deserves all the best. This means that she will have very high demands on both her partner and her environment.

5. She always has to be right

For a narcissistic woman it is very important to always be right. She will not mind manipulating her partner, arguing over nonsense or lying to him to get it, the only thing that matters to her is to look good in front of others.

6. She is very proud

Dating a narcissist is dating a proud person. She thinks she is superior to others and this makes her unable to admit her mistakes. She will prefer to blame others before assuming it.

7. She is very manipulative

The narcissistic person is an expert in manipulation. She knows how to make her partner feel guilty to get what she wants. She is also very adept at blaming others for her own mistakes.

8. She is very selfish

One of the most easily detectable narcissistic symptoms. She thinks only of herself and her needs. This makes it very difficult for her to put herself in the shoes of others.

9. She is very demanding

Dating a narcissist is dating someone who always has very high expectations. She is usually very demanding both with herself and with others. Whenever something is not to her liking, she will look for a way to make others change to suit her.

Narcissistic women

10. Can’t stand loneliness

Narcissistic women can’t stand loneliness. They need to be constantly surrounded by people who tell them how wonderful they are in order to feel good about themselves. This makes them very dependent on others. Interestingly, a narcissistic woman will make you feel lonely most of the time.

Do you need any more signs to see you are in a toxic relationship?

How can a man know that he is dating a narcissistic woman?

Above we have described the signs of a narcissistic woman in a relationship, but it is one thing to know the signs and another thing is to know how to detect them.

Let me tell you my experience.

I dated a narcissistic woman for two years. As you can see, it took me a long time to realize what was happening. The fact is that she was beautiful to the point of pain and I had idealized her, so when she decided to go out with me I thought I was the luckiest man in the world.

The truth was that the relationship made me suffer more than anything else.

So I was fooling myself. And it is that these people manipulate so much that, even if you are very attentive, there will always be a part of you that will continue to believe their lies.

However, deep down I knew something was wrong.

In my case, the alarm bells stopped ringing -they had been ringing without me paying attention to them- when she told me that she was perfect and I told her that neither she nor anyone else was.

She then told me, “You don’t understand me.”

All my suspicions up until then had been like the noise of a kitchen extractor fan. You don’t realize how loud they sound until it’s turned off.

“I am perfect” she told me. And she meant it.

From that moment on, I began to see things more clearly. It was as if the blindfold had suddenly been removed.

I began to see all the manipulations, all the lies, all the psychological tricks she used to control me… And I decided enough was enough.

Of course, it wasn’t easy to break up with her. It took me a long time to realize that she was a manipulative woman, and once I did, I had a hard time ending the relationship.

The reason is that these people manage to control you in such a way that you come to doubt yourself even in the moments of greatest clarity.

deal with a narcissistic woman

How to deal with a narcissistic woman?

If you are dating a narcissistic girl, it is important that you know how to deal with her.

As we have already said, these people are very manipulative and can make you feel very guilty if you are not careful.

Here are some tips:

1. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated

A narcissistic woman will use all her weapons to manipulate you. If you feel like she’s trying to make you feel guilty, the best thing to do is walk away from her.

2. Don’t idealize her

It’s easy to fall into the trap of idealizing a narcissistic woman. They are usually beautiful, intelligent and charming. However, it is important that you do not get carried away by this and that you see things as they are.

3. Don’t let her control you

A narcissistic woman will always try to control you. Don’t let this happen. If she wants you to do something you don’t want to do, say no.

Okay, it’s not easy, but you’ll have to do it at some point.

4. Do not be dependent on her

Narcissistic people need to be constantly around people to feel good. If you are dependent on her, you will only be feeding her ego. You have to have your own life. This will make it easier to cut the relationship when the time comes.

And it will come, I assure you.

5. Seek help

If you feel that you cannot control the situation on your own, seek professional help. There are specific therapies to deal with this type of people and they can be very useful

In summary…

Narcissistic relationships are very complicated. If you are dating a narcissistic woman, it is important that you be aware of the signs and that you know how to deal with it.

In any case, our advice is that you run away from a woman like that as a soul that carries the devil. Break up the relationship.

You’ll save yourself a lot of headaches.

For the rest, if you think you need more couples advice, don’t hesitate and take a look at the other articles on our blog.

They won’t let you down!

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